October 13, 2011

Lemons and Lemonade

Music: Scarface, Can't Get it Right  Instrumental

Today was one of those days.  Emotional music to match emotional writing.
My mind is moving 100mph on things outside of just writing in a book.  The larger future keeps whispering in my ear and I can’t ignore it.  And, I don’t think I want to ignore it.  Honestly, I want to run to it and jumpstart it.  Plus, I wasn’t looking forward to writing about an emotional part in the book.  I am adding another layer of frustration for Wrinkles to battle through and it almost feels like I’m punishing him.  Yet, I do realize that he has to go through this in order for young readers to get a better understanding of how we all have a lot to overcome in order to be successful.

So, instead of powering up the laptop, I decided to leave the house right before what is usually my most productive writing time of the day.  I wanted to breathe the fall air and look at the city that my books take place in.  I wanted to go past the school I worked at when I wrote my first Wrinkles Wallace book.  I wanted to take some time to drive by Eastern Michigan University and reflect on my experiences there.  I thought about my undergrad years and how I ended up at The University of Nevada Las Vegas.  I thought about how much I went through to get my Master’s degree from EMU while using Wrinkles as the main part of my culminating project.  Lastly, I thought about my experiences at the Eastern Michigan Writing Project.  At that point I was ready to send Wrinkles through another dose of hard times.

At home, the writing went well.  I managed to serve Wrinkles some lemons and utilize Grandma Wilbur to show him how to make some lemonade.  After writing those four pages… I was mentally exhausted.  I need to go back to my drawing book and start planning again.

Thanks for reading.


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