October 19, 2011

Advancement & Anniversary


Music: A sample of Billy Paul’s Let the Dollar Circulate.  I needed the horns and drums today.
Cloudy skies and rainy drizzle all day…  Yeah, that’s perfect weather to crawl under a blanket and fall asleep while reading a book or piecing together an episode of Sports Center that you’ve been trying to get though for the past few hours.   Yet, today the previous two weren’t on the agenda.
My goal for today was to finish the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules book, but the owner took it to school with him.  Maybe I shouldn’t buy books for my son that I am secretly planning to read.  Maybe I should buy my own copy. 
Left with no book to read, the blanket-sleeping-Sports-Center agenda started looking more realistic.  That was until I heard Silas snoring in the hallway.  Apparently he was on break and it was my duty to watch the house.  Instead of taking my nap, I grabbed my drawing pad and went into the office to pick up from where I left off yesterday. 
I looked over my list of things I still need to do before I finish this book and checked off the progress I made yesterday.  Progress.  Then I reread the final portion of what I wrote yesterday and began to add a little to it.  After the small additions, I skipped to a different section in the book and wrote about Wrinkles having to wait on some results.   With the music in the background and the sounds of raindrops tapping against the window, I managed to start going to the emotional place I needed to be in to capture the essence of how Wrinkles is feeling. 
That wasn’t enough.  I mean, it would have worked, but I kept feeling like I could go deeper.  Instead of letting that part go and coming back to it later, I decided to go through some old emails and see what I was going through when I was waiting to find out how things were going to turn out in the M.E.M.S.P.A Author’s contest I entered back in 2009.  After rereading some of those emails, I realized that today marks two years since I found out I advanced to the final judging.  Waiting to find out how things panned out in that contest is exactly the type of waiting that I needed to capture for writing this portion of Wrinkles.
Mission Accomplished! 6 pages of progress.
Thanks for reading.

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