May 25, 2012

Seeing MY BOOK for the 1st Time...


I hope all is well with you.  Me, I'm floating!

So, last night I received a phone call that surprised me.  I thought the prototype book would be delivered to Cleveland, Ohio on 25 May 12.  Instead, it was delivered on 24 May 12.  Normally my hearing is pretty good.  I mean, I usually can hear and understand what someone is saying and my comprehension on the telephone is fine. 
Not yesterday. 
All I could hear was, “Book arrived… Cleveland… What… do about… picking… up or mailing... Saturday or Tuesday?” 
I'm sure the rest was said, but my mind was racing and I was trying not to scream, while wanting to ask questions at the same time.   Now, if you know me personally, I am a pretty calm individual. 
Not then!
So, after an hour of planning, I started driving to Cleveland, Ohio to get my book.


After about 2.5 hours with my arm out of the window and my hand surfing on the air, I was there. 

Upon entering to see my book for the first time, I was given the red carpet treatment.  Literally, there was a strip of red carpet on the floor that led me to where I would see my book for the first time.  Then, when it was revealed, I nearly lost it.  Years of writing, revising, thinking, working with people to make it better, sacrifice, creativity, dedication, frustrations, support, etc. all flashed past my pupils. 

I stood there with MY BOOK in my hands.  I held it and stared at the cover.  I looked at the bright moon and MY NAME on the cover.  I flipped it over and looked at the ISBN number and barcode on the back.  I checked the spine for the #1 that would mean this was the start of a series.  Then I did a quick thumb-through of each page to see the my words in official print, and to get the smell of the book into my nose.  I checked the dedication and acknowledgements sections and noticed a few other touches that were included.   I couldn’t help but feel proud of what it took to get to the point of standing there with that book in my hands.

After saying goodbye to some of the great folks of MeridiaPublishers and Dynasty Effect, I left to drive back to Michigan.  The ride home was a true trip down memory lane.  The perfect weather allowed me to open the moonroof and roll down the windows.  The sounds of the bass from the speakers and the thoughts echoing through my mind were a special symphony of a surreal situation.  A situation that took me back to a quote from Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith that I use from time to time. 
Hannibal always said, “I love it when a plan comes together.”
Likewise, Hannibal.

Thanks for reading!
